The story of Chand Tara the serial revolves around Sarim, a software engineer who’s fed up with his overpowering joint family and dreams of having some privacy and a calm life, and Nain Tara, a doctor who longs for a strong sense of family bonds.
The story takes an interesting turn when the two cross paths, leading to tense, funny, and exciting situations that keep the audience engaged with its entertaining script. Featuring an ensemble cast comprising Romaisa Khan, Aashir Wajahat, Adnan Jaffar, Saba Faisal, Behroze Sabzwari, Madiha Iftikhar, and Rehan Sheikh, Chand-Tara is a delightful romantic comedy that will make audiences laugh, cry and ultimately, believe in the power of love. Starting from the first Ramazan, Chand Tara is set to air every night at 9 pm.