Meesni is the story of Sahira, a girl who wants it all and doesn’t care about who gets hurt in the way. A girl who has never been a good daughter, sister, or a good wife. But will Sahira be the same once she becomes a mother? Will she be able to change her ways or will her daughters have to bear the burdens of her past? Meesni drama encompasses the actions and tale of Sahira, a girl who wants it all and doesn’t care about who gets hurt in the way. A girl who has never been a good daughter, sister, or a good wife. She was born into a poor family and has improbable dreams of getting rich by means of deception and ploys. She uses her beauty as a weapon to pierce through people’s hearts and lives. Preying on two brothers one after the other, Sahira destroys the familial bond for her treacherous reasons and tears the family apart.